Bloggers? Let Us Buy You A Meal!

Who said there's no free lunch? Here at KindMeal, not only do we have meat-free meals, but completely FREE meals too!

As part of our aim to encourage more food lovers in experiencing delicious meat-free cuisines and sharing with friends, we are giving away free meals each day from participating KindMeal restaurants and cafes.

If you have an active blog or Facebook fan page, the free meals are waiting for you! All you need to do is enjoy the meal and blog about it to encourage meat-free dining.

How To Claim Your Free Meals
  1. Apply to us and share about your blog or page
  2. Qualified members will receive a certain number of free deals each month
  3. Enjoy any meat-free deal from participating restaurants and cafes
  4. Blog about the meal and inform us
  5. KindMeal will reimburse you on the meal

Terms & Conditions
  1. Member must apply and receive official approval email from KindMeal to qualify.
  2. KindMeal will inform member on total meals allocated per month and maximum reimbursement sum per meal.
  3. Qualified member may select from any KindMeal deal.
  4. Qualified member will need to blog about the meat-free meal, then present KindMeal with the post and digital photo of meal receipt for verification and reimbursement.
  5. KindMeal will issue reimbursement via online banking within Five (5) working days.
  6. KindMeal reserves the right to disqualify any participants or suspend fraudulent accounts at its sole discretion.
  7. KindMeal reserves the right to amend any terms and conditions without prior notification.
  8. Please contact us if you have any enquiries.

Get Started On Your Tasty Journey

Apply Now

Featured Deals
Flavours Around the World, The Black Cat Cafe

Bakery & Cakes, Maymory Cake House Kapar

Vietnamese Homecooked Meals, VietBeans Cafe

Authentic Asian Experience, Cameleon Vegetarian Restaurant

Waffles & Sweet Treats, Lolla Paluza

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