OKOK😄Terima kasih丫
Automatic TranslationTwo days before the beam father suddenly and hungry female goose said: Wow, ask you Ah, you know that pumpkin seeds right? Wow look at that network there is talk about its efficacy macam Gold good lat😬
Dark Claw🤔wow know Ah, we all have to eat Ah⋯especially a wave to eat for prostate helpful Ah! Also protect the heart lat
Ah! Yeah😬wow is to speak to the prostate helpful now.
Ah Benny paragraph🤔Ah how to do pumpkin seeds Ah(dad home just a pumpkin
Free La free La, Whoa home La😬baked good to take to eat you, Ah you of a pumpkin seed to me.
OKOK😄Terima kasih ya
So slightly, just to the low-temperature fried cooked pumpkin seeds😆to cool the receiving tank to the dad
Then, in the limited time fast hands to bake no egg banana chocolate Marvin with out
If I hadn't almost lost this string of Al banana, I also will not rush in this morning to do away🙄are that old coconut last night said the AL-banana killed to feed the flowers ... have I while he is not awake prior to start of strong
Barbara's faulty😟Hey, why mess with al the banana and Mrs.⋯
He doesn't know Mrs. is known for its reluctance to dish it(Oh died😣
Not a vegan cake, because the Chocolate Block is a people sent with the milk composition so it is only classified non-egg cake😄
This cake should rendezvous sister intended it🤔because they like chocolate
Material: a banana, an organic spontaneous flour, organic whole wheat flour, organic grape seed oil, organic soy milk, organic cane sugar, organic Chia seeds, organic cashews, organic walnuts, organic pumpkin seeds, organic almonds, 70%bittersweet chocolate, salt,