响应周一无肉日,雪柜里沒有马玲薯只有南瓜,就地取材煮了这道好吃的素咖哩南瓜rendang ,步骤图和食镨在留言里
食材 :
猴头菇 15 粒炸好备用
素瘦肉 15 片炸好备用
长豆 6 条切段过油备用
香葇 4 支切片或拍扁备用
酸柑叶 7 片切小片
咖哩叶少许 (沒拍到照片)
Delimas 素咖哩料一包
自制 sambal 两汤匙
Harmuni 椰汁 200ml 一包
水适量 (可掩盖食材既可)
调味料 : 可随喜增减
1. 锅内以四汤匙油爆香香茅和姜片
2. 放入咖哩头,自制 sambal 和 Delimas 素咖哩料炒一炒
3. 放入调味料炒一炒
4. 加入已炸好的素廋片,猴头菇和南瓜
5. 炒一炒做法 4.
6. 倒入椰浆
7. 倒入可掩盖食材的水煮一煮
8. 以中火把咖哩煮至浓稠
9. 加入羊角豆,咖哩叶和酸柑叶
11. 放入已过油的长豆
12. 炒一炒既可上菜
Automatic TranslationIn response to meat free Monday, the refrigerator was not mA Ling potato only with a pumpkin, local materials to cook up this delicious veggie curry with pumpkin rendang, the steps of figure and food praseodymium in the comments.
Ingredients :
Pumpkin three section peeled and diced-shaped fried spare
Hericium 15 grains fried spare
Prime meat 15 Piece fried spare
Long beans 6 cut through the oil spare
Incense 葇 4 slice or shoot flat spare
Okra five strips cut into sections alternate
Acid orange leaf 7 piece cut a small piece of
Curry leaves a little (didn't get photos)
Ginger five pieces
Curry head half a pack
Delimas pixel curry feed a pack
Homemade sambal, two tablespoons of
Harmuni coconut milk 200ml in a pack
The amount of water (can mask the ingredients either)
Oil four tablespoons
Seasonings : you can rejoice in the increase or decrease in
Salt three teaspoons
Sugar one tablespoon
Pixel abalone juice, a spoonful of half
1. Pot with four tablespoons oil, saute lemongrass and ginger
2. Put into a curry head, homemade sambal and Delimas pixel curry feed stir fry
3. Put in seasoning stir fry
4. Join the already fried plain thin sheet, hericium and pumpkin
5. Stir fry practices 4.
6. Pour in the coconut milk
7. Pour can mask the ingredients of water to cook a boiled
8. The torches curry boil until thick
9. Added okra, curry leaves and lime leaves
10. Cook until the okra is cooked either
11. Into oil long bean
12. Stir fry can dish up