素食档在雪州加影 日日来美食中心。今天当我拿起手机和老板说可以不可以您在炒面时拍张照片分享在facebook, 老板笑着幽默的说 我都没有打扮师师怎能上鏡呢, 隔壁档开玩笑说这次老板红了, 红了, 店里的每个客人都看我在拍照, 我蛮不意思的, 哈哈! 差点忘了介绍这里的食物也蛮不错的。
Automatic TranslationVegetarian stalls in snow the state kajang day to food center. Today when I picked up the phone and the boss said can not you in the Chow Mein when you take a picture to share at facebook, boss is a laugh of humor that I didn't dress up artist artist how photogenic anyway, the next tranche joked that this time the boss red, red, shop each of the guests see me in the photo, I was not meant to, haha! I almost forgot to introduce the food here is also pretty good.