ChinMinNg   •   0 Followers
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A Delicious KindMoment..
Apr 6th 2018, 4:26PM
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今天午餐来到了这家不错新营业的素食档, 年青的老板娘有礼貌又好笑容, 当我说到要拍照拿资料放在vsm facebook, 老板娘竟然認得我, 嚇了我一跳因我放的头照是20++年前的照片。 今天吃了咖哩面 👍, 干捞面也不错, 其他的下次会回来再吃

Vegetarian stall at Kafe SFS Kopitiam Cafe
Add: Plaza Metro Prima, Jalan Metro 1, Kepong, 52100 Kuala Lumpur
Tel: 0166071238
Business Hour: 7.30am to 2.30pm
Rest day: 毎个月的第二和第四个星期二

GPS: 3.212335,101.638493
Updated 4/4/2018
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