和大家分享一些上兩個禮拜去台灣所吃的食物。沒有特地規劃吃的路線,看到什麼吃什麼,實在沒有就找 7/11或 family mart。桃園機場-台中-花蓮-台北-桃園機場
很多都是酒店附近的素食,我們都住夜市/捷運附近,走不超過5min 就到夜市/捷運,大家可以參考。
台中 - Alibaba Hostel 逢甲夜市
花蓮 - Hey Yo Hostel 東大門夜市
台北 - Hey Bear Hostel 三和夜市/台北橋捷運對面
台北 - Park Hostel 台北捷運隔壁
*從花蓮到台北已經晚上,所以睡了膠囊酒店,一人一個箱子 RM48。整個 trip 最好的酒店。只是和台北總站不同線,要轉站。不過台北捷運超級方便,辦個悠遊卡就好。
Automatic TranslationAnd share some on two weeks in Taiwan eat food. Not specifically planning to eat of the route, see what eat what, there is really no looking for 7/11 or family mart. Taoyuan Airport-Taichung-Hualien-Taipei-Taoyuan Airport
Many are the nearby vegetarian, we all live the Night Market/MRT nearby, do not go more than 5min just to the Night Market/MRT, we can reference.
Station - Alibaba Hostel fengjia Night Market
Hualien - Hey Yo Hostel Dongdaemun Night Market
Taipei - Hey Bear Hostel three and a night market/Taipei Bridge MRT opposite
Taipei - Park Hostel Taipei next
*From Hualien to Taipei has been at night, so sleep in a capsule hotel, one person, one box RM48。 The whole trip the best hotel. Just and Taipei Main Station is different line, to the transfer station. However the Taipei MRT Super convenient and a money travel card.