Will Smoothie Bowls ever go out of style? Not in my kitchen, it won’t! When I’m not waking up at stupid o’clock for pool training sessions with the squad, I spend my mornings at home enjoying smoothie bowls. I tend to add protein powders from @organicule and fresh coconut milk for extra calories that I need in the pool. This time I tried also making a blue bowl using blue spirulina from @nudiesuperfoods, but didn’t know that the pigments in berries will turn ma bowl purple, which I love just as much!
My mornings off are also spent preparing food for my insatiable swimmer’s appetite. It’s not easy to stay as home-cooked as possible while training, so every little opportunity is seized. Nutrition plays a major role in performance and I am feeling the benefits of prioritizing it.
I get asked if it is difficult to stay plant-based as an amateur endurance athlete. For me, it’s a way of life; what may seem cumbersome to others is an act of self-care for me. I enjoy investing in myself in this way and I feel privileged to be able to show how one can pursue athletic goals whilst upkeeping a plant-based diet.