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槟城好康头分享 分享美好的咖啡时光就在香雲素食坊。 买一送一优惠只限于下午三时至下午五时。 香雲素食坊选用高级的传统阿拉伯咖啡豆以拉花技巧呈现, 在香雲素食坊享用咖啡绝对是视觉与味觉的一大享受。 Enjoy your coffee hour at Xiang Yun Vegetarian House on 3pm -5pm, will get "BUY 1 GET 1 FREE" special offer. Xiang Yun Vegetarian House use of advanced ground Arabica Coffee to brew the beautiful Latte, this is really a great enjoyment of taste and visual . Xiang Yun Vegetarian House (Behind Alora Hotel) No 17-G-31, Medan Kampung Relau, MK12 Bayan Point,11900 Bayan Lepas Penang 04-6371108 016-5576935 / 016-4968085 Business hours: Everyday 11am -10pm Close On Tuesday
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