雪隆又多一家素食咖啡店开张啦!店家制作非常用心无论裝修摆设,食物一切绝佳!音乐室咖啡厅为主题, 一进去就让人觉得舒服自在的感觉,总让人想待着。想舒服吃美味的食物可以来这里哦!!赶快找朋友去吧!
Automatic TranslationSnow lung and a vegetarian coffee shop opened! Stores make very attentively regardless of the decoration decoration, food everything is perfect! The music room cafe on the theme, A go will make people feel comfortable and at ease feeling, always make people want to be. Want to comfortable to eat delicious food can come here!! Hurry up and find a friend to go to!