顾客一而再的询问之下,安娣Fanny再煮出闻到味都会流口水,非常之开胃嘅 亚叁鱼饭。
#安娣Fanny素食档 位于怡保巴占城中城美食中心(大风扇)
Automatic TranslationThe customer again and ask under, Andie Fanny and cook out the smell the smell will drool, very appetizing but sub-triple fish meal.
Not tried but would quickly come try slightly to
#Andie Fanny vegetarian stall located in Ipoh bar Champa in City Food Centre(big fan)
#Hours of operation from 4 p.m. to 9 p.m. Half
#Every Tuesday(the first day,fifteen go on Wednesdays)