大热天气, 午饭竟然选上素菇茶!@-@
等待打包的当而算了算没间断的点餐人潮, 也不比荤食少。 吃素者真的越来越多也越年轻化。
1) A感觉到身体开始有毛病,赶紧弃肉吃个素去。N个月后身体好转啦! 又开始吃荤去。
2) B本身吃素几年, 最近交了个非素食者男友。她说 : 那个瓜时不时会利诱自己吃点肉。 心想: 多么正常啊! 就像素食者也会不断游说别人吃素一样。
我想表达的是, 随缘吧! 想当初我虽然吃肉不多, 毕竟也很难才下定决心吃素的。
Automatic TranslationHot weather, lunch can really pick the last element of the mushroom tea!@-@
Waiting to pack, when and budget. don't break the To Order flow, not than the non-veg food. A vegetarian really is increasingly the more young.
Share, two stories:-
1) A feeling of the body starts to have a problem,quickly give up meat, eat a veggie. N months later, the body better! Started eating meat.
2) B itself is a vegetarian for a few years, recently made a non-vegan boyfriend. She said that a melon from time to time induce yourself to eat meat. Thought: how normal! It's like a vegetarian will keep lobbying people, vegetarian.
I would like to Express is that easy! And to think, I may eat meat, after all, also really difficult decision vegetarian.