MayNg  •   Lifestyle Ambassador   •   30 Followers
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A Delicious KindMoment..
Jul 5th 2020, 1:10PM
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Trying my new recipe and it is at the preliminary stage.

Daughter say this new burger is call "Crazy Burger" but I think I'm going to call it "Crazy Over You" lol...

Did a standard mushrooms patty coated with spicy and sweet sauce.

Not sharing recipe at the moment till I feel I had finalise it well.

Apparently my girl had 2 of the burger and the sauce seems to be a hit for them.

Oh ya.. did the pop corn mushrooms and did it with the thoughts of Korean chicken with red sauce and added some white sesame on it. I would say... serve it while it's hot. And not while it's cold. Lol..
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