ShahabYar   •   1 Follower
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A Delicious KindMoment..
Nov 1st 2016, 1:10PM
FatJedi,  PiggyLovesToEat,  MarionSeow like this    
What a shame! At a huge financial summit earlier today the only vegan/vegetarian option available was what you see here in this photo; plain rice and some questionable and quite distasteful veggies. The number of different dishes at the buffet was more than 20 which makes me question why have meat, dairy, etc. become commonplace. It's not like omnivores have to refrain from anything that is not contaminated with animal products. I asked the chef and subsequently the person in charge of the whole summit as to why there are no vegan/vegetarian options and they simply replied nobody requested for it! #idealab #wief #idralab2016 #vegan #vegetarian #veganlunch #thankyounothankyou
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MarionSeow   Nov 1st 2016 at 1:21PM
Ohh....Poor Shahab ! Yeah, Malaysia is like that....even though they don't know what is vegetarian, the shop we request vegetarian, the still give me fish ball cake !! Hei...really pengsan !
FatJedi   Nov 2nd 2016 at 9:17PM
That's a shame indeed... The organizers must be carnivores and never considered other people's diets!
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