WeeChian   •   1 Follower
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Antipodean Cafe
59100 Kuala Lumpur
Jun 2nd 2022, 2:10PM
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As a coffee lover, I like to explore different cafes, among which this one has vegetarian options and is one of most famous cafe in klang valley ~ Antipodean cafe. They have been expanding to few outlets. This time I went to the PJ Atria mall, as comparably there were not so crowded.

Their menu already states [V] is suitable for vegetarians (mostly ovo lacto). I usually order Big Breakfast, and then indicate that it is vegetarian, and they will help to replace the bacon with other ingredients. I fond of their sauteed fresh mushrooms, which are very juicy and fragrant! Not to forget their homemade hashbrown, which is crispy on the surface and dense in the filling! Then there is the smooth and naturally sweet Pumpkin soup, and the scrambled egg on toast with feta and spinach, Big Al’s pasta spaghetti with tomate sauce, olives and capers. Finally top up with a cup of flat white, very very satisfying👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 You may visit to try if you havent!

⚠️ Gentle reminder to confirm the vegetarian part with the waiter upon food ordering. For those strict vegetarians, please skip this 🙏🏻


「素舍趴趴走 ourveggiehome food hunt」
【荤店有素cafe Antipodean Cafe - Vegetarian Friendly Cafe】
小编是咖啡爱好者,自然而然喜欢到处去探索不同的Cafe,其中这家有素食选项又是雪隆其中较有名的 Antipodean Cafe。他们家一直在扩展,开了不少间的分店(Bangsar那间还是最有“味道”,但是位子有限😅)。这次小编去的位于PJ Atria mall的,人潮比较没有那么多。
他们的菜单已经有注明[V]是适合素食者的(蛋奶素居多)。小编通常必点的是 Big Breakfast,然后注明要素食的,他们会帮忙把培根换成其他的料。特别偏爱他们的炒蘑菇,特别多汁和香! 还有自制的Hashbrown,外皮酥脆内馅绵密! 再来是滑顺又天然甜的金瓜浓汤(Pumpkin soup),特别的美式菠菜炒蛋加吐司,还有红酱意大利面,再配上一杯咖啡,赞👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 大家不妨可以去试试哦!
⚠️温馨提醒点餐时再跟服务员确认素食的部分。严格素食者请绕道 🙏🏻
可以参考他们的网站了解分行和营业时间 Check out their outlets here:
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