WongKeeYew   •   4 Followers
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A Delicious KindMoment..
Jan 18th 2019, 1:10PM
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Wholesome Vegan
Highly recommended recipe


-- Some years ago, I was guided by my teacher Jessie Cheong to transform the traditional Japanese steamed egg dish, Chawanmushi into a vegan version.

-- My teacher gave me the idea of using Nagaimo* as an egg replacer. But she wanted me to experiment, with the ratio between silken tofu and fresh Nagaimo.

*Nagaimo is a type of white flesh yam found in Japan and China, also called Huai-Shan 淮山 in Chinese.

-- It took quite a number of trials before establishing this formula in Wholesome Vegan Cookbook, as too little of Nagaimo won't bind, while too much of it will make the dish too "foamy" after steaming.

-- I personally love this dish very much, as the texture is soft like steamed egg, with extra value added from Nagaimo which is very beneficial for nourishing the digestive system.

-- This recipe is a very genuine developed-from-scratch effort and a well wishing for the vegan community to eat more healthily, without the need of causing distress to animals 🙏😊

-- Please order a copy of Wholesome Vegan online: http://tinyurl.com/KY-Cookbook to help propagate healthier vegan living ^^
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