I have to convince my sister to eat these pancakes because she still remember the gross pancakes I made last time and she was deeply traumatized 🥺
Everytime I cook something I'll immediately show it to her and get (maybe "force" is more accurate) her to try it to get some feedbacks 🙈
Even though she always "EWWW" at my food, but she will still give them a try. She is super honest so I'll believe her comments, except there were a few times I was in denial LOL.
And today she said yes to this vegan pancakes, she even "yum yum yum" while she eats. I am so glad that she approved this 🥰
My family members are my recipe tasters and that's why I make food that they will enjoy. Or maybe you can translate that to "constantly seeking for their approval" 🤣
But I guess that's what matter to me now - making food my family and I truly enjoy, and hopefully my recipes will cheer you up, too!