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🍊Grapefruit Tahini Dressing 🍊
Today’s dressing is inspired by a recipe from the new BOLD BUNDLE!
I’ve made some adaptations the recipe based on what I have with me, and here’s what I used:
MY INGREDIENTS (for 2 giant salads) For dressing ¾ cup white sesame seeds 1 grapefruit 16 small dates 1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar 1/2 teaspoon mustard powder 1 tablespoon miso paste 1 tablespoon shio koji 2 cups water
FOR SALAD Lettuce Mint Arugula Goji berries Red cabbage Wakame Pink Kimchi Lacto-fermented belimbing buluh - recipe is in my Fun With Ferments eBook Mini heirloom tomatoes Brazil nut Red Grapes Jackfruit Cempedak Mung bean sprouts Mandarin orange
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