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Grow Your Business Compassionately
Do you offer F&B or consumer-related products / services? Advertise on Malaysia's leading meat-free lifestyle platform, support our welfare efforts and grow your business compassionately.

Together with, Malaysia's largest animal welfare portal, we reach out to over 500,000 diners and animals lovers, collaborating closely with NGOs, media and corporations.

Why Advertise On KindMeal?
KindMeal is the pioneering meat-free portal in Malaysia, providing you with a strong leverage on healthy, compassionate diners.
  • Leverage on targeted audience & active consumers
  • Prominent & effective exposure
  • Creative & viral advertising options
  • Interactive platform converting consumers to customers
  • Strong goodwill & branding

Advertising Options
Try out our popular, cost-effective advertising channels, or run creative campaigns tailored to your advertising needs.

Premium Banners

Social Media Highlights

Weekly Newsletters

We'd love to hear more about your advertising needs.

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