by KindMeal.my
Savor this delicious, guilt-free fried "shark fin" at Vegipai 新素派! Enjoy 20% off oriental delights:
by KindMeal.my
Would you take this eco-friendly challenge and give up plastic straws for a week? 😊
by KindMeal.my
Juicy roasted char siew with crispy bun — a special indulgence at Restoran Bindhu! Try it at 20% off:
by KindMeal.my
For this baby elephant, there's no greater joy than a mud bath!
by Compassion Over Killing
In celebration of #WomensHistoryMonth, and with your support, Compassion Over Killing, proud to be one of few female-led farm animal protection organizations, is MARCHing forward for animals with this matching campaign that helps your gift go twice as far! Donate today! COK.net/donate
by Vegan.com
A solid article on Tyson Foods, which is moving in the right direction in important ways but still does all manner of horrifying things where the animals and the environment are concerned. Life is messy.
by Compassion Over Killing
Heartbreaking 💔. Tragedies like this can be so easily avoided just by choosing compassion and leaving animals and animal products off our plates. #Ditchdairy
by Vegan.com
Glenn Greenwald has turned his considerable reporting skills on looking at egg industry cruelty. Be sure to share this outstanding article.
by Compassion Over Killing
Join us today for a nationwide call-in urging Fieldale Farms to issue a public statement against cruel and inhumane “nose bones.” Sample message: bit.ly/CallFieldale
by Vegan.com
Great line from a non-vegan on dairy-based cheese: "It’s also true that whatever vegan cheese is made of, it couldn’t possibly be weirder than the bodily fluids of animals mixed together and left to go mouldy."