by KindMeal.my
A hidden gem at Subang Jaya, Restoran Bindhu outstands Malaysia's rich culture with tasty local delights — vegetarian style! From Thali Set to Nasi Lemak to Hainanese Chicken Rice, you can now enjoy healthy, meat-free versions of Malaysian all-time favorites. Celebrate our tasty heritage at Bindhu..
by KindMeal.my
These clouded leopards are endangered, sadly due to habitat loss and vicious black market demand.
by KindMeal.my
Indulge in assorted mushroom bagel, spaghetti pomodoro, omelette, wild mushroom salad, decadent cakes and desserts. Enjoy up to 25% off:
by Animal Equality
Our brave investigators are key to exposing animal cruelty! SHARE if you ❤️ our investigators!
by Vegan.com
Vegan cheese was once godawful but it slowly progressed to good and then to great. Looks like the same trend is now playing out with vegan eggs.
by Compassion Over Killing
Meet the cattle rancher who converted his farm to a sanctuary: "I just thought it was hypocritical to give so much love, and then you can shut the door at the end."
by Animal Equality
gala.animalequality.org We will be closing ticket sales for our Los Angeles gala in a few hours. There are only a few tickets left! Make sure to buy your ticket TODAY! <3
by Compassion Over Killing
JOIN OUR NATIONWIDE CALL-IN! Urge Amick Farms to say “no” to cruel “nose bones”! Make a quick, polite call to 800-926-4257 (If you get a busy signal, please try again in a few minutes.) — Details and a sample message: After a COK investigation exposed the cruel practice of stabbing “nose bones” th..
by Vegan.com
I can vouch for the new vegan cheese that Pizza Hut Restaurants UK has chosen. Violife is Greek-made and I had some when visiting Athens last month. It's just excellent!
by Animal Equality
You still have a whole month to take part in our matching challenge. Any amount you donate will be doubled and help us to expose and end suffering like theirs. www.animalequality.org/donate-uk