by KindMeal.my
Let V Kitchen Restaurant delight you with tasty, authentic oriental dishes! Prepared with fresh and healthy ingredients, topped with a creative touch. Enjoy 20% off these oriental delicacies!
by KindMeal.my
What would it be like to waddle alongside a penguin? Or dive deep with a sea otter? Using some robotics, fake feathers, and a few hidden cameras, wildlife filmmaker John Downer built the ultimate spies.
by KindMeal.my
Enjoy tasty, authentic oriental dishes at Ring Zhi, Kepong amidst a cozy environment and friendly staff. Their wide range of menu items will surely satisfy your cravings for Chinese dishes, irresistible in both visual appeal and taste. Enjoy 20% off now:
by KindMeal.my
We can see why she's the Queen of Insects! What is your bravest encounter so far? 😄
by KindMeal.my
Experience Restoran Bindhu's delicious buffet lunch! Indulge in 3 rich curries, 3 tasty veggies, papadam, fried chili, yogurt and more, with different menu each day. Available daily from 11am - 3pm. Try it with 20% off!
by KindMeal.my
Coffee shop lovers will hit the jackpot in Kuala Lumpur. Check out Beat, Broke, Backpacking's review of Cafe etc.! Enjoy 25% off now:
by Compassion Over Killing
Male chicks are routinely ground up alive in hatcheries. End this cruel practice by choosing compassion: tryveg.com
by Vegan.com
It seems pretty clear that millions of people will die thanks to the meat industry's reliance on antibiotics.
by Animal Equality
This #WorldEggDay spare a thought for the many thousands of hens kept in cages for their whole lives on egg farms. We can end this torture. Visit www.loveveg.uk to learn about eggcellent egg replacers, and where to get them!
by Animal Equality
Wagamama have launched a brand new vegan menu, and we hear it is delicious! Who has tried it already?