by KindMeal.my
This poor little rhino lost her mom — and found a new one. ❤️
by KindMeal.my
70% of antibiotics sold are abused on farm animals to promote unnatural growth and prevent diseases, resulting in dangerous antibiotic-resistant infections and thousands of global deaths. KFC improved the most, earning a “B-” compared to last year’s “F”, making a commitment to transition its enti..
by KindMeal.my
Experience Restoran Bindhu's fantastic "chicken" satay and peanut sauce! Enjoy 20% off now:
by KindMeal.my
These scientists are tracking polar bears to study the effects of climate change on their existence.
by KindMeal.my
Gear up for World Vegan Day Malaysia 2017 on Nov 4th & 5th, Publika! Discover tasty vegan meals, health tips, eco-friendly products and more. Mark your calendar for the food & fun!
by KindMeal.my
Let V Kitchen Restaurant delight you with tasty, authentic oriental dishes! Prepared with fresh and healthy ingredients, topped with a creative touch. Enjoy 20% off these oriental delicacies!
by Animal Equality
With your support, Animal Equality is working hard to ban cages for all animals.
by Animal Equality
Our oceans and the animals in them are suffering. Please cut back or eliminate fish from your diet! Get helpful tips -->
by Vegan.com
Sure, tell that to the countless people who've watched their sinus, skin, and digestion problems clear up the moment they ditched dairy.
by Vegan.com
A well-done set of profiles by VH1 spotlighting 16 celebrities who are seriously committed to veganism.