by KindMeal.my
Coconut House at Jaya One serves authentic Italian meals, featuring pizza and bakery baked with wood fire oven. Don't miss out on their fragrant Durian Pizza too, prepared with quality D24 durians! Get up to 20% off with KindMeal:
by KindMeal.my
Happy 60th Birthday to our beloved Malaysia! Congratulations on the golden success of Kuala Lumpur 2017 SEA Games. Have fun partying over a whopping 5-day long weekend! (Photo Credit: Imahku Studio)
by KindMeal.my
This smart lil' guinea pig Ace has mastered so many tricks that'd put dogs to shame! A great testament of love and care by his owner.
by KindMeal.my
A nice introduction of KindMeal by Megan Okonsky of Beat, Broke, Backpacking — a yogi & vegetarian traveler from US. Thank you for sharing our platform with the world, and glad we helped her discover tasty meat-free meals in Malaysia!
by KindMeal.my
The King of Fruits — you either love it or hate it. Well, we certainly love it to da max! 😍
by Compassion Over Killing
We <3 Esther the Wonder Pig for proving that all animals are individuals deserving of love and respect. 🐷
by Animal Equality
Help ban the importation of foie gras into the UK. Take action today -->
by Vegan.com
All it takes is one or two dedicated activists to bring something like this to YOUR town. And from that moment, everything changes.
by Vegan.com
The Humane Society of the United States just filed for the most important animal welfare initiative of the decade.
by Compassion Over Killing
VICTORY: COK's groundbreaking Tyson investigation prompts 22 convictions in the FIRST trials for cruelty to broiler chickens! READ & SHARE: