by KindMeal.my
Cute turtle-themed vegan bento with organic Spirulina noodles! 🐢
by KindMeal.my
Watch an unusual friendship blossom on the ocean floor.
by KindMeal.my
Lit bright by yellow bricks, yellow flowers and many things yellow, Yellow Brick Road reminds us of the magical land of Oz. Indulge in creative meat-free meals within the dreamy environment!
by KindMeal.my
Here are 6 incredible facts that'll change the way you think of lobsters!
by Compassion Over Killing
LIVE with COK attorney Cheryl Leahy and Melanie Darnell of Fitmomma 5 Day Vegan Challenge! Watch as they discuss the reality of factory farming in the United States and COK’s undercover investigations. #fitmommaveganchallenge
by Animal Equality
Join us at Vevolution Festival 2017 on November 25th in London! Our UK Director Toni Shephard will be speaking about our work, and of course we'll be bringing iAnimal! Tickets now on sale 🙂
by Animal Equality
Come over to our new love veg site www.loveveg.uk and find loads of plant-based recipes to share with your friends (even if your friend isn't much of a sharer) 🤣😂😁
by Vegan.com
It would be very hard to continue eating fish after reading this exposé. It's the best article I've ever seen that covers the web of deceit embedded in the world's fishing industry.
by Animal Equality
BREAKING NEWS: Animal Equality has introduced a historic initiative in the Mexican state of Jalisco. If passed, cruelty to farmed animals will be a felony crime punishable by up to 3 years in prison!
by Animal Equality
You can save hundreds of animals each year just by switching to plant based. Worth a try? www.loveveg.uk #WednesdayWisdom