by KindMeal.my
This bird thinks it is a dog! 🐦
by KindMeal.my
Celebrate Father's Day at Restoran Bindhu with this delicious "Veg Prawn Bryani"! Enjoy 20% off cultural delights with your dad:
by KindMeal.my
Let's countdown to the Top 10 most amazing dads of the natural world. Happy Father's Day to the superb dads of all species! (via BBC.com)
by KindMeal.my
A future without animal testing is getting closer.
by KindMeal.my
This rich green curry at Fa Ying Thai Fare & Cafe is good till the last drop! Served with steamed Jasmine Rice and fragrant lemongrass drink. Enjoy exclusive 40% off with KindMeal now:
by Vegan.com
Love this article's last line: "As for a cure? There’s not much science has to offer on that front, besides Epipens and veggie burgers."
by Compassion Over Killing
Rapper @LILBTHEBASEDGOD is calling on @littlecaesars to take a slice out of cruelty & offer vegan cheese! JOIN HIM: bit.ly/2sE1w1d
by Animal Equality
Huge news from Spain! After negotiations with Animal Equality, Huevos Guillén, the largest egg supplier in Spain, has committed to banning cages for all hens. This announcement will reduce the suffering of 450,000 hens each year and more than 5 MILLION by 2025! ❤️🐔
by Compassion Over Killing
#fridayfilm Now on Netflix: What The Health, featuring footage from COK's shocking investigation of a Hormel supplier! (Sign our petition to Hormel & the USDA today: )
by Vegan.com
This will be the single biggest food news of the decade. I'll write up some initial thoughts in the comments.