by KindMeal.my
This little guy riding around on his mother’s tail is a baby tree pangolin at the Pangolin Conservation. Don’t let his adorableness fool you, he comes from a long and storied lineage—his ancestors once roamed alongside dinosaurs.
by KindMeal.my
Ready for the exciting Pet World Malaysia this weekend? Have a fun furry adventure at Mid Valley Exhibition Hall, Fri to Sun, 10am - 9pm. Cool activities, contests, bargain merchandise, educational talks, pets for adoption and more. More info at:
by KindMeal.my
What would you do if a seal tried to hitch a ride on your kayak?
by Compassion Over Killing
READ & SHARE: COK's General Counsel, Cheryl Leahy is working with UCLA School of Law in these new animal & food law programs! (DYK Cheryl taught "Animals and Agriculture in the Law" at UCLA in 2012, one of the earliest courses on the topic at any US law school?)
by Vegan.com
This headline probably won't excite you, but it's the perfect article to share. Think of all the omnivorous Facebook friends you have who will be inspired to click through.
by Vegan.com
As the ruinous environmental costs of meat become clear, the production cost of cultured meat continues to drop.
by Animal Equality
Animals on India's cattle markets face tragedies every day. But they now face new regulations that include animal protection recommendations from Animal Equality.
by Compassion Over Killing
Report: 58% of US consumers more concerned about farm animals welfare than they were a few years ago. READ & SHARE!
by Compassion Over Killing
Fight #climatechange with your fork! Planet-friendly recipes & more at TryVeg.com #WorldEnvironmentDay
by Compassion Over Killing
YOU have the power to protect the planet we all call home! Here's how: #WorldEnvironmentDay