by KindMeal.my
A hidden gem at Subang Jaya, Restoran Bindhu outstands Malaysia's rich culture with tasty local delights — vegetarian style! Celebrate our tasty heritage at Bindhu now.
by KindMeal.my
Jenny Brown lost her leg, and says her prothesis helps in everyday life. Now, she helps fit new limbs on animals at a farm sanctuary in New York.
by KindMeal.my
Experience this heavenly Baba Ghanouj at Arabesque — mashed eggplant blended with tahina & olive oil! Did you know that the Arabic term means "pampered papa"? 😄 Enjoy up to 30% off:
by Vegan.com
It seems like vegan milks will soon outnumber cows' milks in supermarket dairy cases. Could the same thing be about to happen in the butcher section?
by Compassion Over Killing
Join Belinda Carlisle! Ask Papa John's Pizza & Little Caesars to offer vegan cheese:
by Animal Equality
Ari Nessel accompanied Animal Equality investigators to a place very few ever see - inside of factory farms and slaughterhouses. Thank you, Ari, for your compassion, support, and for bearing witness to the suffering of unique, delicate, and sensitive animals. Please support Animal Equality's work ..
by Animal Equality
It's Friday! and almost the last weekend of our matching challenge. Who's heading to Black Cat to eat burgers for animals?
by Compassion Over Killing
#ThursdayThoughts: A meat-free #MemorialDay cookout is easier than ever! Here's your grilling guide: (photo: Field Roast Grain Meat)
by Compassion Over Killing
Have you seen our new #PlantStrongAthlete video with Rich Roll? Watch & share: