by KindMeal.my
Camping Checklist #1: Bring along Type-O blood or drunken buddy!
by KindMeal.my
Happy Duan Wu Festival! May your rumbling tummy be tumbling with dumplings.
by KindMeal.my
[-20%] Buon Appetito at Table9 Table9 in Bangsar brings you creative Italian delicacies and Korean-inspired drinks. Fancy some Jalapenos Pasta or Tomato Bingsu? Experience a tasty array of meat-free items, including breakfasts, sandwiches, pastas, pizzas and Bingsu. Treat yourself to a unique It..
by Compassion Over Killing
Tens of thousands have called on Starbucks to add vegan food to its menu--join them by upvoting Jane Velez-Mitchell's post on My Starbucks Idea today! And then tune in for a special Facebook Live event featuring COK's Erica Meier on Jane's page tomorrow at 6 pm ET/3 pm PT.
by Animal Equality
Tomorrow is the last day to double your gift to animals! Help animals just like him who are brutally mutilated on factory farms. Be HIS voice! Donate --> www.animalequality.org/donate
by Compassion Over Killing
#TuesdayThoughts Dairy-free cheese, please! Thousands are signing our petition to Papa John's Pizza & Little Caesars - join them today!
by Vegan.com
Everybody loves to play victim. Ironic that banning animal slaughter leads to cries of "oppression!"
by Animal Equality
This year alone we have uncovered animal suffering and saved lives with 8 investigations, all over the world. We couldn't do it without your support. Thank you! www.animalequality.org/donate-uk/
by Animal Equality
Your support helps Animal Equality investigators expose dark and deadly places like this. 💔 Make a donation today and your gift will be matched dollar for dollar - that's DOUBLE the impact for animals! Donate --> www.animalequality.org/donate
by Animal Equality
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