by KindMeal.my
A heartfelt plea to be kind to all sentient beings. Embark on a tasty, compassionate meat-free journey at (via HuffingtonPost.com)
by KindMeal.my
Love pasta? Select from 4 rich signature sauces at Veggie World Puchong! Enjoy 20% off with KindMeal:
by KindMeal.my
Otter mommies are so sweet — we're sure the baby otters would be smiling in their sleep. ❤️ Happy Mommy's Day! (via TheDodo.com)
by Compassion Over Killing
It's #NationalChocolateChipDay! Tag @Starbucks on Facebook & Twitter and ask the coffee chain to make this day even sweeter by offering a vegan cookie or other options! Have you signed & share our petition with Jane Velez-Mitchell?
by Animal Equality
Thank you for seeking justice for animals! Donate --> www.animalequality.org/donate It's thanks to the generosity and compassion of our supporters that Animal Equality was able to expose this shocking cruelty on a UK dairy farm. Cows and their calves were kicked, punched, and screamed at. The foo..
by Compassion Over Killing
Advance registration rate ends today, so register now to join us in DC:
by Animal Equality
Its National Vegetarian Week! This week we'll be sharing 5 great reasons why you should LoveVeg. No 1. For the animals! Did you know, each year, every vegetarian saves the lives of 175 animals in the UK. Even by reducing your meat consumption you are saving animals from suffering. Sign our LoveVe..
by Compassion Over Killing
Watch COK's new #CartonOfCruelty dairy investigation: COK.net/dairy
by Animal Equality
The bond between a mother and her child is precious - no matter the species! 💞 Please celebrate all mothers this Mother's Day by leaving animals off your plate. VIDEO: Santuario Igualdad
by Compassion Over Killing
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