by KindMeal.my
Meet Olivia, a North American river otter. She's very happy her species is fighting back from being on the brink of extinction!
by KindMeal.my
Vegetarian fried chicken set, just like KFC — it's finger lickin' good! Enjoy 20% off at Veggie World:
by KindMeal.my
Happy Wesak Day! May more people be enlightened on the beauty and importance of nature and her precious inhabitants. Going meat-free today? Let us delight you at
by KindMeal.my
Witness this gorgeous spectacle of bioluminescent glowworms in New Zealand’s Waitomo Caves!
by Compassion Over Killing
Watch COK's heartbreaking new #CartonOfCruelty dairy investigation & take action for cows: cok.net/dairy
by Animal Equality
ICYMI: Finn was a chick we found injured and clinging to life in a garbage bin on a recent investigation inside a German broiler farm. He had been beaten with a shovel and left to die but he was a fighter. Will you help fight for animals like Finn? Make a gift to Animal Equality today and your gi..
by Compassion Over Killing
These handcrafted necklaces by Veg Shop are LIMITED EDITION, so get yours (or one for Mother's Day!) today with your donation of $100!
by Compassion Over Killing
SIGN & SHARE: Tell Papa John's Pizza & Little Caesars to offer vegan cheese! Watch COK's new video & find more ways to take action at: COK.net/dairy! #CartonOfCruelty
by Animal Equality
SHOCKING! Injured chicks on this German factory farm were smashed with a shovel before being thrown away like garbage. 💔
by Compassion Over Killing
Carton of Cruelty: New COK Video Pours out Painful Truth about Dairy Just ahead of Mother's Day, COK's heartbreaking new undercover video reveals violent abuse of gentle mother cows at Mason Dixon Farms, a dairy factory farm supplying Land O'Lakes & Dairy Farmers of America. WATCH & SHARE, then t..