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by KindMeal.my
are one of the best ways to eat a load of tasty, healthy veg!
View Video 30 May 2023
by KindMeal.my
Meet the smart puzzle-solving raven!
View Video 29 May 2023
by KindMeal.my
Goat enjoys manicure 💕
View Video 28 May 2023
by KindMeal.my
Feeding 39 hungry moon bears takes one tonne of food every week!
View Video 27 May 2023
by Animal Equality
Are you passionate about animal rights? Join Peter Singer in select cities as he shares his insights and ideas on his newly revised edition of "Animal Liberation", a book that exposes the harsh realities of factory farming and continues to inspire positive change for animals. Get ready for an inte..
View Article 30 May 2023
by Compassion Over Killing
Animals deserve love, not to be thrown in overcrowded, poorly ventilated transport vehicles. Yet this is the reality for so many animals trapped in the animal agriculture system 💔. #GoVegan Learn more here:
View Article 29 May 2023
by Animal Equality
🌱 Every meal provides an opportunity to show compassion and respect for animals. We can create a kinder, more humane world by choosing plant-based ingredients and embracing a cruelty-free lifestyle. Join our Love Veg movement and take the first step towards a more ethical and sustainable future. V..
View Article 27 May 2023
by Compassion Over Killing
It's time we treat all animals with respect. They are sentient beings and they deserve to be happy and healthy. #GoVegan 🌱 #animals #animalrights #animal #animalwelfare #animalactivism #animallover #vegan #vegans #veganlife #veganism #tryveg #cows #dairy #farms #farming #milk #calf #animalagricultu..
View Article 26 May 2023
by Animal Equality
Would you bear witness to show the world the truth of animal suffering on factory farms❓ Animal Equality is looking for undercover investigators to join our U.S. team. The job isn’t for everyone…it will challenge and change you. But your work as an investigator will provide necessary evidence to cr..
View Video 26 May 2023
by Compassion Over Killing
It's time we treat all animals with respect. They are sentient beings and they deserve to be happy and healthy. #GoVegan 🌱
View Article 26 May 2023
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