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by KindMeal.my
Baby bison goes everywhere with her rescuer 💕
View Video 20 May 2023
by KindMeal.my
Roasted Sweet Potato Dahl, a simple yet satisfying meal, packed with warm and aromatic flavors.
View Video 19 May 2023
by KindMeal.my
Incredible mouse rescue! ❤
View Video 18 May 2023
by Compassion Over Killing
Animals are living beings. It's time we all treat them that way. Take animals off your plate and #govegan 🐷❤️
View Article 20 May 2023
by Compassion Over Killing
Is "free-range" chicken just a myth? Read more from our friends Sentient Media, covering our brand new investigation:
View Article 19 May 2023
by Animal Equality
🐴 We're fighting for animal protection laws in Chiapas, MX! 🚨 Chiapas is currently the only state in Mexico that doesn’t consider acts of cruelty towards animals as a crime. This means animals are not protected under the law. Following our investigation carried out by Animal Equality into the slaug..
View Article 19 May 2023
by Compassion Over Killing
NEW from Marina Bolotnikova and Kenny Torrella for Vox on our new investigation into a Tyson Foods chicken supplier. Read:
View Article 18 May 2023
by Compassion Over Killing
🚨BREAKING INVESTIGATION🚨: We recently investigated Jannat Farm in Virginia, a Tyson producer that raises chickens for meat, where our undercover investigator documented a flock of 150,000 birds from the time they were small chicks until they were sent to slaughter. The investigator obtained footage ..
View Video 18 May 2023
by Animal Equality
🐟 Animal Equality's recent investigation into UK fish slaughter boats off the coast of Scotland has uncovered shocking findings of mistreatment and abuse. The investigation exposed thousands of incidents of animal cruelty of two major fish suppliers, which have ties to the United States. 💔 The ove..
View Article 18 May 2023
by Animal Equality
✨👏 Thank you, Las Vegas! 💙 We want to extend our heartfelt thanks to everyone who participated in Animal Equality’s 24-hour protest in Las Vegas over Mother's Day weekend. 🔹 Dozens of protesters gathered for several hours on Saturday and Sunday to speak up against the extreme confinement of moth..
View Article 17 May 2023
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