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by KindMeal.my
How many types of crabs do you know?
View Video 17 May 2023
by KindMeal.my
View Video 16 May 2023
by KindMeal.my
From fighting to protect their young to teaching them how to survive, animal mothers play an important role in the natural world. 💕
View Video 15 May 2023
by Compassion Over Killing
Last year, we sued the AHA alleging that they permit companies to exhibit the check mark on particular meat products and promote them as “heart-healthy” for a fee. Read more from VegNews:
View Article 17 May 2023
by Compassion Over Killing
Fish feel pain 💔🐟 Earlier this year we sued Maine’s Department of Agriculture, Conservation, and Forestry - Animal Welfare Program (DACF-AWP) to force the agency to protect fish in the State’s growing aquaculture industry, as Maine law mandates. Read more:
View Article 17 May 2023
by Compassion Over Killing
Being vegan doesn’t mean you can’t indulge in fast food. With fast food chains adding more and more vegan options to their menus, there are many options to choose from. Check out our list below to find out what’s out there:
View Article 17 May 2023
by Animal Equality
✨ At Animal Equality, we firmly believe that love is a language that transcends all species. Animals are more than mere creatures; they are part of our global family and deserve to be treated with the same love and respect that we give our family members. 💔 Unfortunately, factory farming forces fa..
View Article 16 May 2023
by Compassion Over Killing
It's pretty simple: Let animals have lead happy and healthy lives. Take animals off you're plate and #GoVegan 💚🌱🐑
View Article 16 May 2023
by Animal Equality
✨ At Animal Equality, we firmly believe that love is a language that transcends all species. Animals are more than mere creatures, they are part of our global family and they deserve to be treated with the same love and respect that we give to our own family members. Unfortunately, factory farming f..
View Article 16 May 2023
by Animal Equality
🌟 This Mother's Day, we celebrate all mothers regardless of their species. 🔹 It's a day to honor the incredible love and devotion that mothers have for their children and to recognize the sacrifices they make to ensure their children are loved and cared for. 🔹 However, we must also remember the ..
View Article 15 May 2023
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