by KindMeal.my
This cute bird was rescued from a chilly basement. Chicken used to be timid but now she's a dancing superstar! ❤
by KindMeal.my
Enjoy RM56 off on Shopee while you shop & save strays this week! 🐶😸 Redeem your exclusive PetFinder.my vouchers now ❤️
by KindMeal.my
Roasted Romesco Pasta with a rich Spanish sauce made from charred tomatoes and roasted red peppers 🍝
by Compassion Over Killing
Undercover investigations are a powerful tool to help expose the truth and inspire change. Undercover investigators put their mental and physical health on the line in the quest to build a better tomorrow for all animals. You can stand side-by-side with these brave heroes by becoming and Animal Impa..
by Animal Equality
💔 The urgent calls for help from animals can no longer be ignored; it's time for us to lend a compassionate ear and take action. 🌱 By reducing or eliminating meat, dairy, and eggs from your diet, you can actively contribute to ending the suffering of animals trapped in factory farming. Visit loveve..
by Compassion Over Killing
This month, we're introducing a new program for passionate animal advocates called Animal Impact Makers. By becoming an Animal Impact Maker, you'll take AIM at the animal agriculture industry by supporting investigators as they work undercover in facilities like Hargin, Inc. During this investigati..
by Animal Equality
✨ Thanks to our loyal supporters who contribute monthly, we are able to fund critical work to end animal cruelty. Our team wanted to express our appreciation for the support and dedication of the individuals driving the mission forward. 📅 During the month of September, our Monthly Donor Campaign ai..
by Animal Equality
✨Throughout September, our Monthly Donor Campaign is set on the goal of welcoming 100 new monthly supporters! 💙 Thanks to individuals like Patricia, who contribute monthly, we can shed light on the various forms of cruelty within factory farming. You are the guiding light of hope for these animals,..
by Compassion Over Killing
In our investigation of Cooke Aquaculture in Bingham, Maine our undercover investigator exposed senseless violence against fish at an industrial Atlantic salmon hatchery that supplied Martha Stewart’s new True North Seafood line. Fish are often neglected from the conversation about animal cruelty, b..
by Animal Equality
💪🎥 In the heart of Times Square, Animal Equality talked to New Yorkers about how mother pigs are treated in Denny's supply chain. Wait until you hear their reactions! ✨ Check out the update on our NYC billboard: animalequality.org/news/dennys-time-square-billboard/. 💙 Ready to make a lasting im..