by KindMeal.my
First step to being a fearsome King — snore like one. 😴
by KindMeal.my
Experience the tastiness of Medifoods Subang Jaya's healthy and nutritious meat-free meals! Enjoy a delicious variety of signature meat-free Medifoods delights, pastas, sandwiches, pizzas, Chinese vegetarian dishes and more. Vegetarian breakfast buffet also available daily.
by KindMeal.my
Meet Kruze the Malayan tapir. Despite natural defenses from predators, a tapir cannot protect itself from deforestation.
by KindMeal.my
A very delightful meal at V-Delight. Enjoy 20% off now with KindMeal!
by KindMeal.my
Kick start Lunar New Year with Min Yuan's delicacies! Craving for oriental and local delights? Min Yuan 茗原素之家 is the perfect destination for you! From specialty dishes to noodles, porridge, curry, claypots and rice, you will be pampered with a wide variety of healthy and tasty choices. Enjoy 20% ..
by KindMeal.my
This chubby golden hamster has been stuffing itself with all the nuts, vegetables, and fruits. How about you? Stuff yourself with tasty meat-free meals from this CNY!
by Compassion Over Killing
#ICYMI: Cheryl Leahy, COK's General Counsel, on NPR. Listen & share! Today = last day for consumers to file to get money back from Big Dairy. Details:
by Vegan.com
If you're cooking for Super Bowl Sunday, here are a couple great new recipes that are certain to please everyone.
by Animal Equality
Animal Equality and Animal Equality India are hiring! Join the team and put your skills to work saving lives. ❤️
by Compassion Over Killing
Read & share from Forbes: Tomorrow = deadline for consumers to file to get their $ back from Big Dairy (3.5 million have already filed claims!).