by KindMeal.my
Dr. Jane Goodall entered the Tanzanian forest in 1960 with a notebook and binoculars. Six decades later, she's recruiting Google to help protect her beloved chimps. Take a 360 degree tour of her house in Tanzania and the Gombe National Park!
by KindMeal.my
Feast at Dining Bowl Vege Cuisine Cafe in OUG, a friendly and cozy vegetarian restaurant serving authentic Chinese meals prepared with fresh and quality ingredients. Enjoy a wide range of meat-free meals, including salads, soups, pastas, pizzas, rice, noodles, stir-fried dishes and snacks. Dine no..
by KindMeal.my
The end of the circus era. A big win for animal welfare.
by KindMeal.my
Usher in the Lunar New Year with this hen-and-rooster themed bento!
by KindMeal.my
Delight your taste buds with authentic Delhi cuisine in the comfy fine dining environment of Delhi Royale, KL. Indulge in their extensive vegetarian-friendly menu such as their signature Tandoor Snacks, fluffy Rotis, Paneer & Mushrooms, Vegetables, Soups, Salad and authentic Punjab desserts. Dine ..
by Compassion Over Killing
Read & share! COK's Erica Meier is one of the inspiring women whose work is featured: "When most people see cruelty they turn and look away. Erica Meier does not."
by Animal Equality
Their last few moments of life are spent hung upside down as they wait to have their throats slit. 💔
by Compassion Over Killing
Read & share from The Huffington Post! #TuesdayTips = Reminder: Jan. 31 is the deadline to file a claim in this class action suit against Big Dairy! See if you're eligible at BoughtMilk.com.
by Animal Equality
Cows used for dairy are treated like machines and male calves are often killed shortly after birth. 💔
by Animal Equality
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