by KindMeal.my
[-20%] The Zen of Tasty Food Enjoy a Zen experience at Pure Zen Vegetarian Cafe, Kuchai Lama, where you will discover inner peace through a relaxing environment and flavorful meals. Select from a wide range of wholesome, delicious and authentic Chinese dishes, including value-for-money set meals...
by Compassion Over Killing
Why are these pigs so happy? It's Giving Tuesday <3 - and they want you to join us in demonstrating the power of compassion: bit.ly/2fyTkVd
by Animal Equality
ICYMI: We're thrilled to be named a "Stand Out" charity by Animal Charity Evaluators! For three incredible years we've been recognized as one of the most effective charities. 💞🎉 Will you help Animal Equality do even more good by supporting our work? For every $1 you give, your gift will be matche..
by Animal Equality
Chilling images from Animal Equality’s investigation into Mexican slaughterhouses reaches millions! Help us end these atrocities, SIGN here --> www.RastrosDeMexico.com
by Compassion Over Killing
#InTheNews: Read & Share from KTVU Fox 2! "Compassion Over Killing began the initial research that identified potential price-fixing in the [dairy] industry."
by Compassion Over Killing
Double your impact for animals today:
by Animal Equality
Donate today: UK: US:
by Compassion Over Killing
#TuesdayMotivation: COK's brave undercover investigators -- and your support that helps to keep our cameras rolling! <3 COK.net/
by Animal Equality
You have the power to help animals all around the world. This #GivingTuesday be a hero and donate to Animal Equality. Every dollar you give will be matched, up to $250,000! UK: US:
by Compassion Over Killing
On #GivingTuesday, give the gift of compassion & do TWICE the GOOD for animals! Your donation will be matched: #GivingTuesday2016