by KindMeal.my
Who knew mushrooms could be so elegant and mesmerizing, not to mention useful? They can be used as insulation or building materials, and scientists say there are infinite possibilities for the fungi to solve modern problems. It's time for us to look into ways of living a more sustainable lifestyle..
by KindMeal.my
Beatles fans, check out this cool bento! How many Beatles references can you spot? 🎼 First person to get it right wins a Beatles Limited Edition Gold Record... *just kidding*.
by KindMeal.my
Say NO to fur and animal abuse — vote for young, inspiring Sky! Join now to win exclusive tickets for Dr. Jane Goodall's talk.
by KindMeal.my
Seeking a cozy place for afternoon tea? Chill out at RGB & The Bean Hive, Jalan Ampang with a cup of their aromatic, self-roasted, quality coffee or premium grade tea. Vegan cakes and Gluten-free cakes available too. Promotion from 3pm onwards daily. Download KindMeal.my app for free high tea c..
by KindMeal.my
Angels come in all shapes and sizes. Meet Penguin the magpie that saved a family. ****************************************** Sam Bloom fell into a deep depression after a fall from a roof terrace during a family holiday left her paralysed from the chest down. But help was to come from an unex..
by Vegan.com
A must-read. This is one of the finest articles I've ever seen about meat industry cruelty, government complicity, and the essential role of undercover activists.
by Compassion Over Killing
#InTheNews: A powerful piece by Ted Genoways in The New York Times Magazine on COK's investigation of a high-speed slaughter Hormel supplier. READ & SHARE: "As video activists push harder, the industry is pushing back, against not just activists but also journalists and whistle-blowers."
by Animal Equality
#TransformationTuesday: Meet Vita, a true #survivor! She was about to be killed but now lives the pampered life she always deserved. <3 Share her story! #WorldAnimalDay
by Animal Equality
Animal Equality celebrates #WorldAnimalDay today and everyday. At any given moment there are BILLIONS of animals in line to be slaughtered and abused. Thankfully YOU can help them by simply choosing to leave them off your plate. #LoveVeg #Compassion4All #AnimalEquality
by Compassion Over Killing
Tell Hormel to show the high-speed slaughter horrors behind its bacon & SPAM. Reply here: & find more ways to take action at NotSoFastHormel.com. #NotSoFastHormel