by KindMeal.my
360°: Dive Through an Oil Rig Ecosystem Dive into an artificial ecosystem that developed beneath an aging oil rig in this incredible 360° experience. Nature always wins. Let's all remember that and know that life will always thrive as long as they are given a chance. There is still hope for planet..
by KindMeal.my
A lovely green, rocking horse themed neighbourhood cafe in Cheras, Wichday fills you with delightful sandwiches, toasts, pasta & desserts. Just "rock-in" and have a taste of their delicious meat-free deals: Cheese Baked Bolognese Spaghetti, Banana Chocolate Toast, Carbonara Spaghetti and Nutella..
by Compassion Over Killing
#VOTE & you could #WIN prizes! We're nominated for VegNews Magazine Veggie Awards: Favorite Nonprofit Org (Compassion Over Killing) and Favorite Website (our TryVeg.com)! Vote & share by Aug 31: !
by Animal Equality
"If you've got livestock you've dead stock." Farmer admits that these images are normal on chicken farms. 😢 We can end this by choosing meat-free. ✊
by Compassion Over Killing
#MondayMotivation Thanks to all of YOU, Compassion is nearly 600K strong on Facebook. SHARE & invite friends to like our page! <3
by Animal Equality
We've been saving animals for 10 years - thanks to your support! <3 Please join us in London on 22nd Sept to celebrate this milestone!
by Animal Equality
Animal Equality's International Director's, Sharon Nunez and Jose Valle, are spending two weeks in India working with Animal Equality's Executive Director in India, Amruta Ubale, and the wonderful team there. <3 Animal Equality's work in India has resulted in the ban of bull-cart racing, the ban of..
by Compassion Over Killing
Chickens are smart and social birds! SHARE if you agree that ALL animals deserve our <3 and compassion
by Vegan.com
Anyone who claims you can't be strong and athletic on a vegan diet needs to go arm wrestle Kendrick Farris.
by Compassion Over Killing
Watch & share: USA TODAY's video feat. footage from our shocking Tyson investigation has been viewed more than 1M times! For more: visit cok.net/inv/tyson/