by KindMeal.my
Behind The Circuses There's always more to the story when you go behind the scenes, when the lights are switched off and when you wait until the glitter has settled on the ground. Animals you see performing tricks at circuses are rarely voluntary. All of them are subjected to harsh training and ..
by KindMeal.my
Pet Pokémon posters greeting visitors at Berjaya Times Square! The posters carry a message encouraging spay & neuter too. More info on this fun PetFinder.my campaign at:
by KindMeal.my
Lit bright by yellow bricks, yellow flowers and many things yellow, Yellow Brick Road at Jalan Batai KL reminds us of Dorothy and Toto, whisked away to the magical land of Oz. Indulge in creative meat-free meals within a dreamy environment!
by KindMeal.my
360°: Dive Through an Oil Rig Ecosystem Dive into an artificial ecosystem that developed beneath an aging oil rig in this incredible 360° experience. Nature always wins. Let's all remember that and know that life will always thrive as long as they are given a chance. There is still hope for planet..
by Animal Equality
'When I look into the eyes of an animal, I do not see an animal. I see a living being. I see a friend. I feel a soul.' - Anthony Douglas Williams
by Animal Equality
"Researchers are discovering important similarities in brain structure between fish and other vertebrates. Some species of fish show precise memory and "cognitive processes that go beyond conditioning."
by Vegan.com
Chicken consumption just keeps increasing. It's imperative for the animal protection movement to figure out how to reverse this trend.
by Compassion Over Killing
#VOTE & you could #WIN prizes! We're nominated for VegNews Magazine Veggie Awards: Favorite Nonprofit Org (Compassion Over Killing) and Favorite Website (our TryVeg.com)! Vote & share by Aug 31: !
by Animal Equality
"If you've got livestock you've dead stock." Farmer admits that these images are normal on chicken farms. 😢 We can end this by choosing meat-free. ✊
by Compassion Over Killing
#MondayMotivation Thanks to all of YOU, Compassion is nearly 600K strong on Facebook. SHARE & invite friends to like our page! <3