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by KindMeal.my
Meet Charlotte, the surrogate mother to orphaned koala joeys. 💕
View Video 01 April 2023
by KindMeal.my
Make A Difference For 25,000 Rescuers & 24,500 Strays! 🐶🐱 Contribute towards our exciting new PetFinder.my project to empower nationwide rescuers with instant donations, quality volunteers, stray-friendly services and effective logistics. These features are estimated to save RM 2.5 million / year..
View Article 01 April 2023
by KindMeal.my
Sticky Cola Chick'n — seriously tasty with some surprising ingredients!
View Video 31 March 2023
by KindMeal.my
Which mammals are the best at swimming?
View Video 30 March 2023
by KindMeal.my
The barnyard adventures of Poppy and Petunia 🐮
View Video 29 March 2023
by Animal Equality
✨ FREE ✨ vegan event in Austin, Texas, USA! Animal Equality will be at Texas VegFest next Saturday, April 8th! Visit our booth to learn how you can join our efforts to end cruelty to farmed animals. Test out our one-of-a-kind virtual iAnimal experience for an immersive look inside factory farms & s..
View Article 31 March 2023
by Compassion Over Killing
Cows, like all farmed animals, have unique personalities and experience a wide range of emotions just like humans, cats and dogs. Here are a couple things you may not have known about our gentle friends:
View Article 31 March 2023
by Compassion Over Killing
This year's VegWeek🌱 is coming soon. We'll have fun online events, cool vegan prizes and more. Sign up at the link in our bio to participate in VegWeek 2023 April 16 to the 22 and be sure to invite your family and friends to join you. #TryVeg #GoVegan www.vegweek.com
View Article 29 March 2023
by Compassion Over Killing
Join Delilah🐑 from the Catskill Animal Sanctuary in taking the Veg-Pledge! Delilah's mother, Evelyn, came from the largest mammal rescue in the Sanctuary's two-decade history and the pair now have the opportunity to be a family together forever. Take the pledge🌱:
View Article 28 March 2023
by Compassion Over Killing
In the chicken industry, which produces the chickens Americans eat, babies suffer from the moment they hatch. 🐣💔
View Video 28 March 2023
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