by KindMeal.my
Conservationists hope to track the black market in eggs by tricking traders with artificial ones that contain wireless transmitters. Every year, poachers in Nicaragua and other countries wait for cover of darkness and then make their way onto the beaches where endangered sea turtles have just lai..
by KindMeal.my
How could one resist the cheesylicious temptation of Komugi Malaysia's Hanjuku Cheese Gift Set? ;) Get 26% off now with KindMeal:
by KindMeal.my
Quality and wholesome is what you'll get at EcoGreen Organic, Taman Tun – organic food served with fresh, healthily-prepared ingredients. Enjoy tasty meat-free deals of Malaysia's most loved food, including Dhall curry with hot organic tau foo fah, Lei Cha with organic ingredients and Nasi Ulam ..
by Animal Equality
Only til May 12 will your gift to Animal Equality be matched by a generous anonymous donor. Please help him. Make a lifesaving donation today. USA: UK:
by Vegan.com
Nice coverage of the all-vegan Veggie Grill as it prepares to expand nationally. Have you eaten there yet?
by Compassion Over Killing
Join Tracye McQuirter, best-selling author of By Any Greens Necessary! Take the #VegWeek VegPledge today at Then check out these three exciting events Tracye has coming up in celebration of VegWeek! 1) A Twitter chat with PlantPure Nation on April 19, 12-12:30pm 2) A lunchtime talk and book-sig..
by Vegan.com
Some great reasons from Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health for why milk is not the most healthful source of calcium.
by Compassion Over Killing
WOW! These celebrities are inspiring THOUSANDS to join #VegWeek! Join the stars - and the fun - at VegWeek.com.
by Vegan.com
Fantastic article with a killer opening line: "We are living in the age of vegan cheese that doesn't suck."
by Compassion Over Killing
There are so many reasons to pledge for #VegWeek! This inspiring video highlights a few. Watch, share & sign up now: VegWeek.com And add your voice below: "I pledge because _______"