by KindMeal.my
It seems that koi enjoy the view from a "high-rise" tower. Who'd have guessed? This pet owner has made it a point to make his pet Koi fish more comfortable in his garden pond and has created something that’s not only cool for the fish, it’s a really incredible feature to look at. The “tower” tank..
by KindMeal.my
Escape the city's hustle and bustle at PuRe space 朴乐空间 in Klang, a picturesque venue for meat-free dining and inexpensive accommodation. Almost every ornament has a story — made from recycled or DIY materials! Themed on simplistic and natural living, their daily changing menu offers the most nat..
by KindMeal.my
3-year-old Steven Rozzi noticed something large in his backyard and told his mom, Cherie Kissinger. Unbeknownst to little Steven, he had discovered a bald eagle, hurt and unable to fly. The eagle struggled to move as it was tangled up in the woods. Along with husband Steven, Cherie called DEC who ..
by KindMeal.my
How could one resist the temptation of Livello Uno's Gnocchi Alla Sorentina — freshly-made potato dumplings baked in tomato sauce, parmesan and mozzarella cheese? Indulge with KindMeal's exclusive 20% discount now:
by KindMeal.my
Kick start your day with premium fruit juices from MBG Fruit Shop, extracted from fruits of the freshest quality! Nourish your body, increase nutrient absorption and improve blood circulation. Enjoy a refreshing drink now with free coupons!
by KindMeal.my
Edward is a 7-week-old baby sloth. His mother couldn't feed him, so the zookeepers are bottle-feeding him with goat's milk. His favorite companion? A cute little teddy bear for him to climb and cuddle. Animals and humans share more similarities than we realize. As babies, we all need our mother..
by Animal Equality
Vita was rescued by Animal Equality from a slaughterhouse in China where she would've been brutally murdered for meat. She was given a second chance at life. <3 Sign the petition to end the dog meat trade in China:
by Animal Equality
"Eating meat isn’t necessarily a conscious decision but rather a cultural tradition imposed upon us by our parents as the social normal, Shepard explains, by the time we grow up it’s just “what we do.” Toni Shephard - Executive Director - Animal Equality UK Another great media article about Animal ..
by Animal Equality
The most eye-opening video you will see this week! Dr. Melanie Joy explains how a dominant and violent ideology is the reason we eat meat.
by Compassion Over Killing
JUST amazing: 43 new vegan products from Hampton Creek coming to Target and Walmart starting this month!