by KindMeal.my
Giant Squid, Elusive Creature of the Deep, Gets a Vivid Close-Up They can be bigger than a bus, and yet the elusive giant squid has hardly been spotted swimming alive in the ocean. It became a little less mythical on Christmas Eve, however, when a fisherman spotted the creature, known as an Archit..
by KindMeal.my
Creative vegan bento by Ee Lynn to usher in the new year! Did you DIY something cool as well? Share it with us on KindMoments!
by KindMeal.my
Kick start your day with premium fruit juices from MBG Fruit Shop, extracted from fruits of the freshest quality! Nourish your body, increase nutrient absorption and improve blood circulation. Available at 7 MBG outlets: Sunway Giza Mall, Jaya 33, Paradigm Mall, LRT Bangsar, IOI City Mall Putraj..
by Vegan.com
If the cruelties suffered by animals seem hard to cope with, this short piece may lift your spirits.
by Compassion Over Killing
It's TryVeg Tuesday: Need inspiration on how to go & stay veg? Read & SHARE this article featuring COK's Mike Wolf: "every vegan meal directly translates to less animal suffering"
by Animal Equality
Wonderful news! Animal Equality just got more powerful with this devoted animal defender who joins us as our new Executive Director in England. Welcome to the team, Toni Shephard!
by Vegan.com
Got a minute? This is well worth signing. Let's ask Wendy's to leapfrog McDonald's and take this great-looking vegan option nationwide.
by Compassion Over Killing
Every day we have a choice: we can choose kindness instead of cruelty simply by leaving animals off our plates. Please CHOOSE Compassion Over Killing & SHARE the <3
by Vegan.com
Explain to me again why the FBI is concerned about animal rights advocates but not cattle ranchers? Rolling Stone has the best summary I've seen of what's going on in Oregon.
by Vegan.com
If you've been wanting to give the all-vegan meal service The Purple Carrot a try, here's a coupon for $25 your first order.