by KindMeal.my
Begin your day with a healthy & refreshing meal at VinegPlus, Publika! Enjoy a cup of Fresh Fruit vinegar smoothie with a healthy roasted sandwich packed with fresh, juicy vegetables. Indulge in one of their delicious smoothie flavors such as Red Dragon Mango Joy, Pineapple Apple Joy and Banana..
by KindMeal.my
Remember the popular Coffee Chemistry Signature with amazing 3D coffee art? They are bringing you an all-new experience at this cool new outlet! Representing 'Modern Malaysian Culinary Experience', MACE by Coffee Chemistry Signature at Damansara Uptown serves world class coffee and tasty meals p..
by KindMeal.my
OOHO! is a company has created a replacement for water bottles that you can actually eat. The main ingredient is brown algae and calcium chloride and is inspired by fruit membranes such as orange. This amazing discovery will help reduce plastic bottle waste and could potentially reduce our carbon ..
by KindMeal.my
TiPsy Brew O'Coffee at Setiawalk Puchong serves the finest specialty roasters, brewed by hand using syphon, hand-drip, french press and any other apparatus they deem worthy for a great cuppa. Enjoy 2 exclusive meat-free deals – a healthy, heavenly delicious set of salad, fruits, sandwich, pasta ..
by KindMeal.my
Love quality hand-brewed coffee and rich, creamy cakes? Head over to VCR at Pudu, KL to enjoy a serene afternoon in their cozy, distinctive cafe. Enjoy 26% off their signature cakes and a cup of aromatic filtered coffee with KindMeal's coupon. No upfront payment, booking or printing.
by Animal Equality
"Animal Equality's investigations reach millions of people worldwide, and for me, that's the most important thing: raising awareness on how the world treats animals and teaching others to treat animals with respect." Mariluz. Join Mariluz and our thousands of generous and committed supporters ar..
by Compassion Over Killing
If we have a hard time watching - and teaching our children about - the horrors behind the meat, egg, and dairy industries, is it something we really want to keep supporting? Choose compassion.
by Compassion Over Killing
WOW: Here's an amazing, must-see video ad that is garnering media coverage for its (spoiler-alert) meat-free messaging!
by Vegan.com
Your meat-eating friends need to see this. This story will only get bigger, and the public is certain to side against agribusiness.
by Compassion Over Killing
Each of us can stand up for animals every time we sit down to eat. SHARE to show you care. Follow --> Compassion Over Killing