by KindMeal.my
RACING EXTINCTION: Global Premiere, Dec 2 on Discovery Channel Discovery premieres Academy Award-Winner Louie Psihoyos’s Racing Extinction in more than 220 countries, airing on December 2nd at 9pm EST in the United States and in local prime time for other countries. When "Racing Extinction" debuts..
by KindMeal.my
Does it seem like there's pumpkin spice everywhere you look nowadays? Pumpkin spice latte and cupcakes and oatmeal and... This trend is not lost on guinea pigs. Although it doesn't seem to have made its way into their food bowls, the TV keeps them up-to-date on the latest food fads. Although on..
by KindMeal.my
Begin your day with a healthy & refreshing meal at VinegPlus, Publika! Enjoy a cup of Fresh Fruit vinegar smoothie with a healthy roasted sandwich packed with fresh, juicy vegetables. Indulge in one of their delicious smoothie flavors such as Red Dragon Mango Joy, Pineapple Apple Joy and Banana..
by KindMeal.my
Remember the popular Coffee Chemistry Signature with amazing 3D coffee art? They are bringing you an all-new experience at this cool new outlet! Representing 'Modern Malaysian Culinary Experience', MACE by Coffee Chemistry Signature at Damansara Uptown serves world class coffee and tasty meals p..
by Animal Equality
GOOD NEWS! Animal Equality has been considered a TOP CHARITY by Animal Charity Evaluators for a second consecutive year. That is, we have received the highest recommendation possible and are considered one of the most efficient animal charities that exist. Read the full review here: Your donat..
by Compassion Over Killing
60 years ago today - on Dec 1, 1955: Rosa Parks took a stand by refusing to give up her seat on the bus. She is a source of inspiration, strength, and justice -- and she was a vegetarian!
by Animal Equality
Join our thousands of supporters around the world and make a donation to Animal Equality today: "I have been supporting the work of Animal Equality both financially and as an activist, because I not only embrace their approach, but also appreciate their continuous efforts to become a more effect..
by Animal Equality
"Animal Equality's investigations reach millions of people worldwide, and for me, that's the most important thing: raising awareness on how the world treats animals and teaching others to treat animals with respect." Mariluz. Join Mariluz and our thousands of generous and committed supporters ar..
by Compassion Over Killing
If we have a hard time watching - and teaching our children about - the horrors behind the meat, egg, and dairy industries, is it something we really want to keep supporting? Choose compassion.
by Compassion Over Killing
WOW: Here's an amazing, must-see video ad that is garnering media coverage for its (spoiler-alert) meat-free messaging!