by KindMeal.my
Nady Nadhira is a 20-year-old Malaysian artist who completes her illustrations using sweets and snacks, and the result is every child’s dream! From M&M balloons carrying away a colorful house, to Oreo-eyed critters, these drawings bring to mind arts and crafts projects on a rainy school day. At..
by KindMeal.my
Want a big hug from a cute teddy bear? Big Hug Burger is here to brighten your day with a tight squeeze, and of course, delicious food. Experience their juicy meat-free burger packed with customizable ingredients, and their handmade charcoal pasta baked with tomato pasta, mozzarella cheese and pa..
by KindMeal.my
Get the most out of Secret Recipe Beyond Veggie's signature Oriental dishes with a delicious group set, which includes an appetizer, mixed vegetable curry, stir fried lion's mane mushroom, revitalizing tofu and a pot of fragrant fruit tea. Available at 11 outlets including your favorite malls: 1..
by KindMeal.my
This commercial perfectly sums up #friendshipgoals that we all need. You never leave your best friend behind no matter what, and this horsey certainly did not. Let's all make friends with animals, not food. Join us in delicious meat-free dining at
by Animal Equality
NFL player David Carter; The 300 Pound Vegan. Please share.
by Animal Equality
Animal Equality exposes dog and cat fur is being used for bags, toys and clothes in China. Sign now: www.voicelessfriends.org Let's reach a million signatures to stop this!
by Compassion Over Killing
Find out in this new video:
by Animal Equality
BREAKING new Animal Equality investigation: Dog and cat fur used for bags, toys and clothes in China. Please visit and sign the petition:
by Compassion Over Killing
Playtime! Pigs are just as social and playful as dogs - why love one and eat the other? SHARE the joy
by Animal Equality
The Hunger Games' Liam Hemsworth has ditched meat for his love of animals and the planet. The animals and the planet love you too, Liam ;)