by KindMeal.my
The votes are in and this time you chose leafy greens! 🥬🌱
by KindMeal.my
Baby goat who's smaller than a cat loves playing hide-and-seek with her human Grandma 💕
by Compassion Over Killing
Animals are not meals. They're living sentient beings. It's time they get the treatment they deserve. #GoVegan #ForTheAnimals 💚
by Animal Equality
💪 LET KINDNESS be your SUPERPOWER! ✨ We all have the ability to be superheroes for these amazing animals! By educating ourselves and others about the cruelty that happens behind closed doors in factory farms, we can work towards creating a better world for chickens and all animals suffering from t..
by Compassion Over Killing
There is plenty the dairy industry doesn't want you to know, but our investigations reveal so much of what's going on behind closed doors:
by Compassion Over Killing
“The science on fish sentience is clear: fish have the capacity to suffer and feel pain.” - Becca Franks, fish scientist.
by Animal Equality
✨💙✨ Love is a universal language that extends to all creatures, including those who are often overlooked - farmed animals. These animals are capable of experiencing joy, affection, and even grief. Let's open our hearts and show them the love and respect they deserve. Animal Equality is promoting a..
by Compassion Over Killing
Farrowing crates are one of many standard, yet cruel, practices in the animal agriculture industry. These crates, which restrict sows before and after giving birth, are already banned in some parts of the world, and it's time to ban farrowing crates everywhere. Read more:
by Animal Equality
One image can change the world. In her compelling article, Dulce Ramírez, recounts the heartbreaking story of a newborn calf ripped away from his mother and sent to his death because of his inability to produce milk. Unfortunately, this callous act is all too common in the dairy industry where profi..