by KindMeal.my
These Cauliflower Buffalo Wings are the perfect snack!
by KindMeal.my
Why would crows need such big brains?
by KindMeal.my
— and she ends up doing something incredible for him 🧡
by Compassion Over Killing
Check out DC Veg Restaurant Week's specials 🌱 See all the great deals, discounts, and specialty new dishes from their participating restaurants. DC Veg Week runs May 6-13.
by Animal Equality
✨ Animal Equality and FreeWill have partnered to offer a unique opportunity for individuals to leave a meaningful legacy behind and contribute to a cause close to their hearts. 💙 This partnership offers a free and easy way to plan a gift to Animal Equality, ensuring that your compassion for animal..
by Compassion Over Killing
We love lambs 🐑 Sadly, sheep and lambs have primarily been raised and used as a source of meat, wool and milk — despite the fact that they have distinctive personalities, rich emotional lives and strong family ties. Read all our reasons to love lambs:
by Compassion Over Killing
✅Pigs should be able to move freely and enjoy socializing with others. 🚫Pigs should NOT be stuffed into overcrowded, poorly ventilated transport vehicles. Image: Tom Woolard / We Animals Media
by Animal Equality
✨ 🐟 On World Tuna Day let's take a moment to discover the devastating consequences of fish farming, an industry that inflicts unimaginable cruelty on countless lives of animals. Fish farms have been linked to pollution, disease outbreaks, and the suffering of wild fish trapped in cramped and unnatur..
by Compassion Over Killing
Last year an appellate court ordered prosecution following our investigation of large Pennsylvania dairy. In a robust opinion, the appeals court reversed trial court’s ruling on the District Attorney’s refusal to prosecute and called the DA’s position “absurd.” We documented egregious abuse of cow..
by Compassion Over Killing
Did you know that pigs have tons of energy? You might picture pigs laying around in mud, which they do to cool off, but pigs spend most of their day engaged in exercise, like grazing, rooting, walking, and nest-making, all of which is limited within the animal agriculture system. Take a stand fo..