by KindMeal.my
This Peanut Butter Tofu Curry is full of flavor, nutrients and wow factor!
by KindMeal.my
Wild goose comes back ro visit man who raised him 💕
by Compassion Over Killing
🚨See the truth behind the egg industry: Meet Beth, an egg laying hen who is bred to lay eggs and lives her life crammed in a cage. When spent she is killed for her meat. See her short, painful life from the day she is born until the day she is killed 🐣💔
by Compassion Over Killing
🐐Goats are incredibly awesome animals. These intelligent creatures are just as intelligent as dogs and are playful, quirky, and tons of fun. Despite being subjected to horrible abuse for meat, dairy, and even cashmere, they able to form strong emotional friendships with humans.
by Compassion Over Killing
This year's VegWeek🌱 is coming soon. We'll have fun online events, cool vegan prizes and more. Sign up at the link in our bio to participate in VegWeek 2023 April 16 to the 22 and be sure to invite your family and friends to join you. #TryVeg #GoVegan www.vegweek.com
by Compassion Over Killing
In this heartbreaking video, you'll meet Beth, an egg laying hen who is bred to lay eggs and lives her life crammed in a cage. When spent she is killed for her meat. You'll travel through her short, painful life from the day they're born until the day she is killed. 🐣💔 Please share this video with..
by Animal Equality
✨🎉 Historic PROGRESS for farmed animals as Mexico changes its Constitution! On March 30, 2023, the Plenary of the Chamber of Deputies approved the initiative to modify Article 73 of the Constitution with 482 votes! This ruling is the first crucial step toward allowing Congress the power to create ..
by Animal Equality
💡 Did you know that when a chicken feels safe and protected in the arms of a human, they will close their eyes and purr softly❓ Let's work together to create a world where ALL animals are respected, protected, and valued for who they are, not how they taste. Animal Equality is working every day to..
by Compassion Over Killing
Give animals respect. They're sentient beings with individual personalities. They are not a number. #GoVeganForTheAnimals