by KindMeal.my
Regrow your own veggies again, and again, and again. 🌱
by KindMeal.my
When this rescued lamb goes to work with Mom, there's one coworker he can't stop headbutting 💕
by KindMeal.my
The bonds between albatrosses can last decades, and every year they return to this colony.
by Compassion Over Killing
As the demand for vegan food continues to grow, you may be wondering, what about protein? It turns out that vegans – just like animals – get protein directly from plants. Read more:
by Compassion Over Killing
More than 200 million land animals are slaughtered for food around the world every day. Help us fight for justice and spread the truth that the Animal Agriculture industry doesn't want out. #GoVeganForTheAnimals Learn more at
by Compassion Over Killing
Why momentum is building for the push to end factory farming. Read more:
by Compassion Over Killing
Did you know that every person who observes Meatless Mondays reduces their carbon footprint by eight pounds per day - the same impact as not driving for two days - and also saves 28 land and 175 aquatic animals per year. That's a huge difference 🌱💚
by Compassion Over Killing
All animals deserve to be happy. Stop supporting the animal agriculture industry by leaving animal products off your plate. #GoVegan
by Animal Equality
Recently, Animal Equality's President Sharon Núñez was asked to speak at the AVA—Animal & Vegan Advocacy—Summit. Surrounded by fellow animal activists, Sharon shared how she finds hope and inspiration in her fight for animals. We hope you, also as an animal activist, find inspiration in these words..